If you are fortunate enough to have a supportive village nearby, you may not think you also need a postpartum doula. After all, if you have your parents, in-laws, siblings, and friends around you, why bring in a stranger? I’ll tell you why- because our postpartum doulas can bring something your existing village can’t: professional help and the latest expert guidance.
Each family dynamic, personality, and needs are unique, and there is a doula for each of those needs. Sometimes you need someone to “do all the things.” Other times, you just need a moment to yourself and a caring, competent helper to care for the baby. Daytime doulas can provide a number of services that will make your first few weeks at home more relaxed.
Here are 3 reasons why you should consider a daytime doula.
We can provide nutritious meals
Meal trains are great, but often people don’t know our preferences or nutrition needs. Casseroles are a frequent go to meal because they are easy to transport and reheat, but usually they are full of fats and sodium and seriously lacking in fiber and protein. They are not the healthiest option to nourish your body. Our doulas can provide healthy meals in a few different ways. Sometimes, you know what you want, you just don’t have the time or energy to cook. Our doulas will happily prepare meals using meal kits or recipes and ingredients that you provide. On the other hand, you can let your doula know what your preferences are, and they will choose recipes and send you a grocery list of what they will need to prepare meals. But if that is too much for you, and trust us, we’d understand if you can’t think that far ahead, we can also put on a real-life episode of “Chopped” and make a meal from whatever you have
on hand. We want to make sure you are getting the nutrition you need to care for your body and your family.
We can be an additional set of hands around the house
Your first few weeks at home are a time of healing for your body and bonding for your family. But that doesn’t mean that the laundry stops, or the dishes magically do themselves. In reality, it may seem like household chores multiply exponentially. How can the addition of one little baby create so much work?! In addition to meal prep, a daytime doula can also help with laundry and basic tidying. While we complete household tasks, you can spend precious bonding time with your baby. We also can care for the baby while you take care of other important matters. Self-care and rest are vital for you to regain your strength and be the best mom you can be. We’ll take care of the baby while you shower, catch a nap, or do whatever you need to do in order to feel human again.
If you have other kids, or even pets, we can help care for them while you care for the baby. Or we can watch the baby while you spend one on one time with the other kids or take yourself and the dog for a much-needed walk around the block.
We provide up-to-date information and guidance You may be the first of your friend group to have a baby and need tips for infant care from a trusted source. Your parents and in-laws, though well-meaning, are not usually up to date on safe sleep and feeding practices. At times, outdated wisdom can be downright dangerous. Our doulas have completed extensive training, along with years of practical experience, in order to give you the best and most current guidance.
A doula will also provide a listening ear and be both your sounding board and cheerleader. We want to be in your corner, supporting your decisions about what is best for your family. We have worked with families of all types and all situations. We can share feedback about what we have seen work, or not work, in situations like yours. We also can refer you to specialists we have worked with to help with lactation or nursing issues, sleep issues, or any other developmental concerns you may have.
Are you ready to be matched with your perfect doula?
Our doulas are ready to help you in any way they can. Some families utilize both our daytime and nighttime support. We can tailor our services to your unique situation. Shift times can vary based on your needs. Each shift is at least four hours long. For example:
6am-10am – Extra sleep and help getting older children ready and out the door
1pm-5pm – Sneak in a nap while your doula preps dinner
If you need a longer period of help, we can schedule that too! Our price is $50 per hour, with a four-hour daytime minimum. Occasionally, insurance will cover reimbursement, so be sure to check your plan and see if yours does! Whether you need support one day a week or five days a week, we can create a team to provide the help you want. Reach out to us today!