Double trouble or double the fun? If you’ve been seeing double a lot lately- at the playground, in schools, on your ultrasound, don’t worry, you aren’t going crazy! According to the National Vital Statistics Report for 2020-2022, Connecticut had 3,707 twin births and 91 higher order multiples births. Nationwide, 117,378 births in 2022 were twins or multiples.
Getting ready for one baby can be overwhelming. If you are expecting multiples, you may be feeling even more so. How do you prepare for multiples? Our team of doulas has received extra training so that we can better help you navigate the challenges of multiples. In this article you will see how we can help before and after your babies arrive.
Prenatal Support
We always encourage expectant parents to reach out to us as soon as possible. The earlier you contact us, the more time we will have to support you and make sure we match you with the perfect doula. This is especially important when you are expecting multiples. More babies mean more work and you will need more help. When your doula gets involved early, you have immediate access to our training and guidance. We can give you advice regarding nursery set-up, recommend some must- have products, and create a local resource and support list. If you have other children, we can help you develop a plan for sibling care.
Both your birth and postpartum doulas can help as you develop your birth plan. We want to be a listening ear. We can validate your fears and concerns and discuss the realities of a twin or multiples pregnancy. Statistically, twins and multiples are more likely to be born preterm and have a lower birth weight. Multiple babies also increase the chances of needing a C-section. We can help you understand and prepare for a variety of circumstances.
During a NICU Stay
Babies born before 37 weeks gestation are considered preterm. Before 34 weeks gestation is early preterm. In both cases, babies will likely require a stay in the NICU. If this happens for your baby, we will be there to help. Seeing your baby in that situation is emotional and stressful and we can provide emotional and physical support.
As much as you may want to spend every moment with your babies, you also will have gone through an intense physical ordeal. You will need rest. Your partner will need rest. We can help by being extra members of your team.
While in the NICU, your babies will benefit from regular contact. Being held, rocked, cuddled, and talked to has been shown to reduce stress, contribute to weight gain, and help improve breathing and heart rate. Depending on hospital policies, it may be possible that our doulas can help with hospital visits, taking shifts with your babies so you can rest. Postpartum doulas can also help with siblings, meal prep and help planning the transition home. Your babies may stay in the NICU for only a few days, or many weeks. They may come home together, or days or even weeks apart. We have helped families with a variety of experiences. We want to bring that knowledge to help make your transition as smooth as possible.
Support Once the Babies Come Home
Your first night home with a new baby can be full of nervous jitters. Is that a normal sound? Are they still breathing? What was that!? Having a skilled postpartum doula with you on those first few nights at home can help to allay your fears and concerns. If your babies have had a NICU stay, they may be coming home with medical equipment. We can help you to manage setting up your space to accommodate the unique needs of your babies. We want to set you up for success. While in the NICU, your babies will have been on a schedule. They will do best if you can stick to that schedule. We can help you make that schedule work for you and the babies. Extra help will be essential to maintaining your health while your precious little ones gain strength. We can also recommend apps that will help you stick to a schedule and track their milestones.
Multiple babies mean more baby stuff. We can help you set up baby stations in various
locations in your house. Having what you need close by will make caring for your infants easier and less stressful. Two or more babies will also be an extra challenge when it comes to feeding. Because multiples are often smaller than singletons, they frequently have difficulty feeding. You can expect long feeds and little sleep. Preemies also tend to have issues with reflux, and we can give you some advice to help deal with that and any other feeding issues
that develop. Whether you are breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or doing a combination of both, we can help you create a feeding plan that works for you and the babies. We can discuss different methods of feeding, such as piggyback feeding and tandem feeding, to help you decide what method is best for your situation.
Doulas Are Here to Empower the Parent
We believe strongly that you as the parent have the final say in how your babies are treated. We want to honor your truth and validate your emotions. We have years of experience and training caring for babies and their families. Let us bring that experience into your village. We want to create a calm environment and open conversation so your family can thrive. We have resources and support groups that we can connect you with to help you on your journey. Reach out today!